How much oxidation is enough? 
	How much oxidation is too much? 
	Foci of redosis favor allergy, infection, cancer. 
	Oxystress destroys healthy cells, organelles, 
		and biological molecules. 
	Optimal health is associated with neither 
		an extreme oxidosis nor an extreme redosis. 
	Regular shifting of conditions between mild redosis 
		and mild oxidosis is probably optimal. 
	Thus physiologic processes, which function optimally 
		under one condition or the other, should be 
		facilitated best in alternate phases. 

~~~ HOW TO ADMINISTER OXIDATIVE THERAPIES ~~~ This varies with the kind of oxidant used. Special attention is needed pertaining to quality and stability. Hydrogen peroxide lasts several months, whereas ozone is gone after a few hours. Some tissues are especially sensitive to certain oxidants and tolerate others well. Examples of special tissue sensitivities: lungs - - - - - ozone stomach - - - - hydrogen peroxide skin & eyes - - ultraviolet The following suggests possible administrations, but should not be used as a treatment guide. Information in this regard is controversial and changable over time. OXIDANT: AHT: IV: IM/IT: PO: Aero: Top: ozone Y ? Y Y N Y chlorine dioxide ? Y ? Y N Y hypochlorite ? ? ? ? N Y chlorite ? ? ? ? N Y H2O2 N Y ? ? ? Y MgO2 N ? ? Y N Y ZnO2 N ? ? ? N Y HBOxygen N N N N Y Y UV radiation Y ? Y N N ? direct current ? Y Y N N Y nitrate N ? ? Y N Y Permanganate N N N N N Y iodine N N N ? N Y p-Quinones ? Y Y Y Y Y Glyoxals ? Y Y Y Y Y DHAA ? N ? ? ? ? o-Quinones ? ? ? ? ? Y org.ozonides N ? Y ? N Y org.peroxides N ? ? ? N Y imidazoles N Y Y Y ? Y meth-blue N Y ? Y ? ? ~~~ RELEVENCE TO OTHER THERAPIES ~~~ ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate: conversion to DHAA causes cytotoxicity to tumors production of superoxide & hydrogen peroxide fasting or hydrazine sulfate: low or normal glycemia fails to support growth of pathogens such as bacteria or tumors N-acetyl-L-cysteine or whey: replenishes glutathione selenium: antiviral agent, heavy metal trap, cofactor for GPrx & T4 to T3 conversion radiation: oxidants enhance radiosensitivity mercury detoxification: heavy metals enhance oxyradical stress heavy metals inhibit systemic immunity cesium chloride: intracellular alkalinity makes thiols more sensitive to oxidation DHEA: inhibits glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase thyroid: consumes reducing equivalents quinone reductase inhibitors: may enhance levels of quinones in the reduced phase enabling them to serve as medicinal oxidants nitrosoureas: although alkylating also inhibit GSH reductase causing intracellular oxidosis copper: cofactor for numerous oxidative enzymes colon detoxification: eliminates hydrogen sulfide which otherwise inhibits copper enzymes e.g. cytochrome A silver: inhibits pyridine reductases in bacteria magnetic fields: might facilitate certain redox reactions light/color therapies: might open pi bonds causing oxidation ~~~ SUMMARY COMMENTS ~~~ Oxidative therapies are widely applicable in medical practice, especially in infectious disease, in oncology, and in allergy. The goals of oxidative medicine are: 1) to shift redox potentials away from a pro-reductant condition (redosis), temporarily towards a mildly pro-oxidant condition (oxidosis). 2) to induce beneficial physiologic responses. Fairly low doses of medicinal oxidants are usually administered. Free radical stress or damage to host tissues is not a necessary nor a desired effect of oxidative therapy. Altered immune function is probably the most clinically important benefit of oxidative therapy.